Believing God by Beth Moore — Book Review

by Nila K. Bartley

We all have doubted God at one time or another. Moments of doubt are normal, even for the strongest person of faith. But what do we do if it last for more than a moment or two? This is the question Beth Moore answers in this book. And she does it well.

If we have more than just moments of doubt, do we really then trust God? Do we really believe the following five things: 

1) God is who He says He is; 
2) God can do what He says He can do; 
3) I am who God says I am; 
4) I can do all things through Christ; 
5) God’s Word is alive and active in me.

These are the five statements of faith Beth Moore encapsulates in this book, “Believing God.” She has written a chapter on each statement. The author further explains why each statement is so important in our walk of faith and also to defeat the enemy, satan.  These five statements or declarations equip a child of the King for warfare. When a Christian truly believes these declarations of faith, he or she is making a choice to believe God. Believing God is active, not passive. Believing God takes effort on the part of the person of faith. Believing God is not a fuzzy feel good emotion, it is a deliberate choice. 

Beth Moore also challenges us to believe God for our own Promised Land. In the Bible, the Israelites finally reach their Promised Land after 40 years in the wilderness. It was a land flowing with milk and honey, a land that belonged to them, a land where they could flourish and raise their families, and a land where they could become a nation. The author believes we all have our own personal Promised Land. To quote her from the first chapter of this book, she writes, “Our personal Promised Lands are the places we accept those very great and precious promises and appropriate everything we need for life.” Beth Moore further expounds on this topic by saying, “our personalized lands of earthy promise are places we’re invited by God to dwell in Christ.”

What does it mean to dwell in Christ? As persons of faith, it means we do not try and do something in our own strength. It also means we have faith that if God has called us to a task, He has anointed us for it, which means He has given us the ability to do it. The Lord will never ask us to step out in faith to do something, and then not help us accomplish that task. 

“Believing God” is the title of this book. Hebrews 11:6 says, “without faith it is impossible to please God.” As I have said before in this book review, believing God is a deliberate choice. And so is not believing Him. Believe Jesus. Each child of the Kingdom is loved beyond measure by Christ. The Cross proves that. Believe those five declarations of faith I quoted earlier in this book review from Beth Moore’s book. Believe. Simply believe. I promise anyone reading this, if you do your life will never be the same. This book is worth the read.

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Nila K. Bartley is in her late fifties and lives in Ohio, U.S. She is married to her forever love, Jason. Nila volunteers at her church and was the teacher of the Ladies’ Sunday School Class there for three years. She considers her writing ability to be a talent from the Lord and serves Him with her writing. Nila derives joy from this and hopes people are blessed by her short stories and poems.

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