Creature of Control

by Mark Weinrich

This creature of control
is a slippery beast.
I cast my nets
and tighten the ropes
hoping for once
I can capture this
writhing and wild thing.
Then just when I think
I have it contained
it breaks away. 
So I contrive again
and cast my nets,
and find to my dismay
I am the creature trapped,
struggling in the web 
of my making
trying to control
the unknown. 

Jesus said, “who of you
by being worried can add
a single hour to his life?”

Mark Weinrich lives a creative life as a writer, photographer, musician, and artist—all wrapped together in an outdoorsman. He is a retired pastor and nine-year cancer survivor. His writing and photography have appeared in over 130 news stand, inspirational, and literary publications. He has sold eight children’s books and currently has two fantasy novels on Kindle.

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