Sorrows in Senryu

by Mary Harwell Sayler

My soul aches, waiting
for a healing word from You.
Call me. I’ll answer.
I can hardly stand
to sleep at night, wondering
what happened to us.
Each morning I wake,
thinking of you and praying
to feel Your presence.
But I shall recall 
Your blessings and offer this
sacrifice of praise.

Mary Harwell Sayler began reading the Bible and writing poems in childhood and never stopped! Eventually, she placed over 2,500 poems, prayers, articles, and children’s stories as well as books in all genres, many of which can be found on Amazon. After collecting prayers and promises from the major translations of the Bible, she paraphrased them into contemporary English, and published the Book of Bible Prayers then Kneeling on the Promises of God.  Mary also selected poems from her previously published works for A Gathering of Poems. She provides online help for poets and other communicators for Christ while remaining active on FacebookTwitterLinkedInTumblr, and, gratefully, Agape Review.

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